SCHOOL UNION 122 is an Equal Opportunity Employer
Teaching Positions
Substitute Teaching Positions
Positions available at all grade levels.
Bus Drivers Positions
24-25 Part-time Bus Driver
(benefits, paid holidays, vacation time, CHRC, CDL with bus endorsement-willing to pay for training)
24-25 Full-time Bus Driver/Custodian
Substitute Bus Driver
Cook Positions
Professional Positions
Non-Teaching Positions
Track Team 2024 Spring Season Click Here for more details.
Contact the Superintendent's Office for job descriptions.
Please find below applications for the various types of positions within the school system:
Administration Application.doc (Principal, Social Worker etc.)
Non-Teaching Application.doc (bus drivers, cooks, secretaries, custodian, ed techs, etc.)
Teaching Application.doc (teachers/administrators only)
Substitute Teaching Application.doc (substitutes only)
Application for Superintendent of Schools
The applications are in MS Word format. Please print, fill out, and mail to the above address.
Please send letter of application and resume to:
Superintendent of Schools Karla Michaud
School Union #122
843 Woodland Center Road, Suite 3
Woodland, ME 04736
Closing Date: When suitable applicant is found